Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Bulgar is no friend of mine

Holy cajolery, I am hungry. For dinner tonight I had Bulgar Pilaf and steamed broccoli, which is every bit as grim as it sounds. I know I deserve what I get for cooking something called Bulgar Pilaf, but still. I even tried to make it more palatable with a little margarine, but it didn't help.
The best part is, I still have POUNDS of it left for the rest of the week!

Slightly more successful was last night's Tomato Macaroni Pie, which is not actually a pie, just macaroni and a can of tomatoes, sprinkled with cheese and baked in a pie dish. Kind of Midwesterny but wholesome and tasty.

Today was my second day of classes. I am very excited about JW's Philosophy of Language class. It is clear that, unless suitably restrained, I am going to be That Girl and answer every question she asks, often without raising my hand. I tried super hard today to only answer every third question or so, but there's nothing more painful than long silences when the teacher asks a question, and it's so tempting to just fill that silence with speech, be it well thought out and accurate or simply off-the-cuff blither.

Also exciting: my Sartre class, which is taught by a nifty old Continental philosopher whom I really like. He's very animated and funny, and super excited about Sartre, so that's all good.

Man, if there's one thing I love, it's being back in my routine. Break was nice and all, but this semester is going to be swell.

1 comment:

Lily said...

oh boy, you have a class in Sartre?!?! And Caroline gets to take stage musicals, and... I get to take biology. God, I wish I could skip high school.