Sunday, June 8, 2008

CafPops: Surprisingly Undelicious in Practice

It's hot, and pretty much all I feel like eating these days are Popsicles, to the extent that I am seriously considering eating my wontons and frozen red beans and rice in their current frozen form. Yesterday I went to Target and got some Popsicle molds and some nice-looking pomegranate-blueberry juice, and then went home and set about making CafPops, as described in the film Coffee and Cigarettes. They're just milky coffee in Popsicle form, and although I had two of them today (one more and I can make some Popsicles with juice!) they are strikingly non-delicious, which I guess shouldn't have surprised me.

Last night we went bowling with a few of my colleagues, which was fun although I am a terrible bowler and did embarrassingly badly. Afterwards I made some of these pancakes, which are so good, and watched Twin Peaks. I have been making pancakes from scratch quite often and I think I may actually buy some proper buttermilk instead of just souring milk with vinegar as I've been doing.

Tomorrow begins my last week of German and I'm awfully glad; I started working on my Fulbright application today and it's clear that I need to be doing more, even though I'm hot and tired and don't feel like doing anything at all.


TCA said...

Fulbright Scholarship. Yes!

Popsicles. Yes! Iced coffee is best as iced coffee. Throw in a little vanilla ice cream and now you're talking.

I note that Wittgenstein gets quoted in Commonweal again this week. I may learn some stuff (beyond that silly, adoring book about the poker), yet!

Emily said...

I thought Wittgenstein's poker was really good. You might try Beyond Wittgenstein's Poker if you really want something more substantial.