Monday, October 13, 2008


A pleasant weekend, largely spent in nesting-mode, which I enjoy although I sometimes miss the hard-partying days of yore. On Friday we went to see two guys in my department play at a Christian coffeehouse. They were doing selections from Phil's concept album based on The Great Divorce. Like so many things, it was much more religious than I would have liked, and although Phil is unquestionably talented I resented being made to think about hell on a Friday night. Cufflinks was more enthusiastic than I was; he compared the music favorably to Jars of Clay. This is my life now apparently - spending time with people who think "This sounds like Jars of Clay" is a compliment.

After the set we came back to my place and watched Goodbye, Lenin, which I'd been wanting to see for a long time. It was quite good, although I think it says a lot about Germany that they consider it a comedy. Of course, science has shown that Germans find everything funny, so perhaps that explains it.

To the market on Saturday where I purchased apples and a pumpkin (don't yet have any plans for it, though), and where I snapped these gentlemen engrossed in conversation:

On Sunday I ran ten miles, which was actually pretty okay although it was very hot (I cleverly decided to go out at 1, so it was the heat of the day and the sun was in my eyes half the time) and I had counted on the Rail Trail having water fountains, which it did not. I had long wanted to go there, but it's miles away. This of course made it perfect for yesterday's purposes. Now I'm in taper mode and on Saturday I will run the half marathon! I am pretty excited although I don't relish having to wake up at 5 to drive to Indy.

Today I don't have class so I'm baking bread and this afternoon I'm serving at the Community Kitchen. My apartment smells like sourdough rye. I'd better go check the timer.

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