Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Break

My spring break is drawing to a close, and although I've been devoting a ridiculous amount of time to my Tarski and Sartre papers (and still it's not nearly enough), I've also managed to have some fun. Cufflinks and I took Wednesday off and went hiking in Yellowwood State Park, which was really lovely - it was a very nice day and we got a nice longish car ride through the Indiana countryside, listening to Interpol and folk. We had dinner at his place and then went to a pub for dessert, where we watched old people swing dancing to live music. Most enjoyable.

I have a very low-key weekend planned; Krista's in Chicago, so I have the apartment to myself. I'm planning to make pasta puttanesca for St Joseph's Day on Sunday - I bought anchovies and everything. Classes resume Monday and then we're in the home stretch!

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