Thursday, December 13, 2007

End of semester

Back on Amazon Island they used to provide mountains of junk food during exams, which I hated – the meals weren’t very good at the end of the semester because they were trying to use up all the bits and scraps, but there were always goldfish crackers and M&Ms, fig newtons and Skittles. I disapproved of this and was pleased when, last year, they toned it down a little and included large amounts of fruit, at least.

K and I switched to Bare Bones rations last night. I used up the last of the milk and baking mix to make biscuits, and she cracked open an enormous can of refried beans, so we had burritos for dinner last night and biscuits for breakfast. Probably refrites for dinner again tonight unless I crack and sneak off to buy a piece of pizza.

Ever since my sister gave me this iPod, I’ve been inclined to listen to it pretty much all the time. I listen every day on my way to and from school, on the way to the grocery store, etc. I probably look kind of silly in my leather jacket with my big headphones over my hat, but I have to admit it feels neat to walk through the campus listening to “Police & Thieves.” I feel like I’ve got a chip on my shoulder. It’s amusing.

Now that my set theory final is turned in I’m finding it very difficult to motivate myself to finish my philosophy of language final. Instead I’m sitting around reading depressing Lorrie Moore stories and watching Gilmore Girls. Tomorrow I will turn in my final and then I’ll be done with my first semester of grad school. I plan to celebrate by attending something called Hairbangers’ Ball, which, if it’s anything like the other Bloomington dance parties I’ve been to, will be kind of lame, but Shana assures me there will be jumping around and I’m good for that.

1 comment:

Greg said...

If you leave the biscuits out, will they become hard tack? Then all you'll need is some rum and some salt beef, and finals will be just as grueling as Moby Dick.