Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Not much to report. This week is pretty busy for me, with Computational Linguistics and philosophy of language assignments due today, piles of laundry piling up, coffee with a Hungarian tomorrow (why? God I do not feel like making chitchat with another stranger) and millions of errands to run. We have five kinds of flour in the house (whole wheat, stone-ground whole wheat, rye, soy, semolina - no white) and basically nothing else. I am very tired.

Apparently in the Hoosier State they don't believe in salting the sidewalks or even putting down molasses like they used to in Massachusetts, and so the streets are very slidey. I fell down the library steps on Sunday and I'm still very sore. I think I am tired of winter now.

1 comment:

Bill said...

I never heard of the molasses thing. Doesn't it attract vermin? (In Indiana it might attract varmints.)

You should email Building Maintenance -- the contact is Bill Haines, whaines at indiana.edu -- and tell him that (a) you fell; and that (b) molasses would be a good thing. Maybe they could use sorghum instead.

I'll bet that they don't use salt because the entire Indiana limestone campus would dissolve in two years if they did, and you are far enough south that they probably think about snow removal in terms of, "It'll melt".