Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger

Sometimes my moods don't seem to relate to the external world in any way whatsoever. I have been walking on sunshine all day, and the only real reason I can think of is that the weather is deliciously cool - I woke up this morning and NPR told me we'd be having a high of 60 and I almost kissed the radio. I got to wear corduroy pants, a sweater, and my gray tweed jacket! And it was all uphill from there!
  • Since I didn't have class until 11:30, I got a nice leisurely morning drinking coffee, listening to music, and quilting
  • Then I stopped at the public library on my way to school and took out a book on chess
  • When I got to school, Value Theory Lad loaned me another book on chess, which he assures me is far superior.
  • In Set Theory we learned about the Axiom of Choice, which is very interesting, and I didn't say anything stupid or lose my temper at the Badger or anything
  • Then I had a tasty lunch of Laurie Colwin's vegetarian chili, carrot sticks, and an apple, and read Quine
  • I was craving bergamot, so I went to the Union and got some Earl Grey, which I enjoyed during my afternoon logic class, which was particularly wonderful because we're finally starting derivation rules.
And of course, nothing but the weather was really notable, and even that - it's October and it's cool - not so much, but I just had a smile on my face and a song in my heart the whole day. It's funny how good days, like bad days, gather momentum and get worse or better as your mood steeps like delicious tea.

(Also not hurting my mood: getting lots of messages on OkCupid from boys who think I'm cute. Even if it never results in decent dates (for me - I know people who've been very successful), that site does provide some nice ego boosts.)

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