Sunday, October 7, 2007

Weekend Highlights, bullet-pointed and with a minimum of personal pronouns

  • Went to the Farmers' Market, of course, which featured lots of flowers and way more crafts than usual, which was cool. Music, of course, and a butternut squash which will, in the fullness of time, become butternut squash risotto, and an overpowering sense of sun-drenched wellbeing
  • Drew and inked several comic strips, which made me happy, as I hadn't drawn in a little while and I'm getting to the fun part of the story. Listened to a lot of Death Cab.
  • Drank red wine and played Fictionary with a ton of amiable people at the lovely Susan's house. Talked probably way too much but at least got a few laughs. There was one word that I really didn't know, but we were almost done and I was bored, so I wrote "having to do with awesome robots" as my definition, and bluffed very convincingly, so that Sam, who didn't know what I'd written of course, wrote "what Emily wrote" as his definition
  • Went to Mass, where we prayed that people who work with animals be kind and humane like St Francis of Assisi and that we all become closer to the Virgin Mary, and I'm down with both those things
  • Baked three-flour bread, except that I forgot to buy soy flour yesterday, so I left my starter mixed with molasses, oil, and dry milk and ran to the store to get some, but they didn't have any, and of course by the time I got back it had begun to rise without flour so I just hastily threw in all the whole wheat flour I had and some white flour and hoped for the best. It rose like crazy but I haven't tried it yet.
  • Chess with Value Theory Lad at the Spoon - I haven't played chess in years and I was never any good, but he's going to loan me a book, and oh look I think I just found a motivation to learn how to play.


Lily said...

Death Cab! Cool-e-o!
Have fun learning value theory chess. Is that a style of chess, I wonder? It seems unlikely, but in this crazy world there are many strange and wonderful things that can happen.

Greg said...

The thing about chess, as I keep hearing, is that the more you learn the more you have to learn in order to be any good. Which is why I think those computers aren't really any good, since they're still just blunt instruments in how they work out the moves.