Saturday, April 26, 2008


Saturday night: reading "Existentialism is a Humanism" on the couch, barefoot and wearing an ancient, holey men's sweater, and drinking instant coffee.

I'd rather be watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, though.


Lily said...

well, duh! MST300 is the holey man's sweater!

TCA said...

I'm also interestedin the holey man's sweater. That's not misspelled is it?

Emily said...

Spellcheck ok'd it. Spellcheck does not okay "spellcheck," "ok'd," or "okay."

I just meant that it's full of holes.

Bill said...

It is funny to think that Existentialism once needed to be defended in those terms, but in the context of the time it was perceived as a philosophy of alienation.

I wrote something once trying to distinguish German existentialists from the French. Sartre sort of falls between the two stools, or schools-- he has the rigor, I think, of Heidegger, but he is also much more concerned with the question of how we live in the face of the absurd than I encountered when I read "Being and Time".